Member of Boards of Directors – Institutional Communications Consultant

Social Commitment

What social commitment means to me

Who would have believed that the day would come when a TED Talk about compassion by Chade-Meng Tan, a well-known Google engineer, would peak the interest of nearly one million people ?

What is compassionate commitment but the coherence between our human values, our objectives, and our intellectual, emotional, and spiritual means that we use to put these values into action?

Whether we are an individual, a group of people brought together by a shared noble goal, or a business as large as Google, social commitment and empathy towards ALL should become a human, ethical, social, global need ! It is our commitment to the “Cause of the World” that fills our condition of HUMAN BEING with nobility!

Be the change you want to see in the World

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I have always been grateful to Life, which has given me so much – this is a feeling that has continued to grow over the years and throughout the challenges that have marked them – and it has always seemed self-evident that what I had received was meant to be passed on! Moved by my Christian roots – widened today to the Buddhist philosophy and the “Wisdom of the World” – I am intimately convinced that, when the humblest part of the WHOLE is in pain, the WHOLE suffers! Similarly, when the tiniest of this WHOLE is treated with love, this same WHOLE – ” contemplated ” rather than ” stared at” – is on a path of healing!


This is probably a characteristic of the passing years, with their share of joys and trials, that of shaping us gradually – as a sculptor shapes a block of raw marble – to help us reach our TRUE SELF ! I especially like the term HUMAN BEING… our dictionary makes for now – thankfully! – no reference to any HUMAN DOING, even if such temptation always lurks: that of favouring the DOING rather than the BEING!

Striving every day to integrate as closely as possible to my consciousness, the humanist and Christian values that live in me, I like to visualise the vertical dimension of the world around me – transcendental, spiritual, or, expressed more simply, those characteristics arising from all that is ethical – and the horizontal dimension that puts them into action, in direct connection with the concrete world, the world of the Living!

Mountains, school of Life !

I am a lover of the mountaintops – I see them as true school of life, which pushes us to exceed our limits and teaches us humility – I am euphoric when I can be “on a first name basis” with the summits; yet, the path that leads me there pleases me just as much – it is a state of mind which guides every step and sets the pace!

The feeling of being connected to something larger than the self is what carries me, as well as to feel where this “self” belongs in the great WHOLE, to feel the true value of each element… In other words, to be “anchored ” as a HUMAN BEING allows me to realize myself as a HUMAN DOING and to realize this mission that imprints my soul and body: that of being a link in the chain of Humanity, no more, no less … First or last in the group… the important thing is to be on the Way! It is in this that I hope to be followed, today as much as tomorrow …

« Vous ne pouvez prédire l’avenir, en revanche vous pouvez l’inventer » !      J.-M. Pelt

The only question I have to answer, as I commit to something, is always this one: “How NOBLE is its goal “? … its corollary being : “Are those who have initiated it, and is the approach they are taking COHERENT”? In other words: “Is my commitment going to feed a virtuous cycle? “

Just like that, over the years, a holistic vision has been taking shape in me, coherent with the world, from the kingdom of plants to that of animals, and to Humankind!

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