« There is always light If we are brave enough to see it If we are brave enough to be it »
Dear Friends of yesterday, today or tomorrow,
Our world is changing, the COVID crisis, socially and economically painful as it has been and continues to be, has also been a powerful booster of consciousness.
By reshuffling the cards at all levels, it confirms more than ever the symmbology of the Chinese word “crisis”, which is made up of two ideograms, “danger” and “opportunity” …
This Newsletter, which I am happy to send you, presents some of my recent engagements, through the lens of a portrait produced by the writer Paul Antenen.
My website www.dominique-brustlein-bobst.ch will tell you more about the Why and How of my Commitment and my commitments … it will allow you to understand how an activity can develop within Boards of Directors and companies which, added to the voluntary work within the framework of Foundation Councils, makes it possible to “resonate” the best of all these worlds!
The “unifying thread” of the meetings that have woven my life, the Foundations – Boards page sheds an – almost – exhaustive light on the Path I have traced over the past 25 years.
Awareness of the Common Good and Social Responsibility continues to grow thanks to all of you, Patrons, Philanthropists or Donors!
To all of you THANK YOU for your loyalty and for all your feedback, which is part of the great EVERYTHING of giving and receiving!
Dominique Brustlein- Bobst
Also active on LinkedIn, I would be happy to share ideas and projects with you!
Portrait of Dominique Brustlein-Bobst, particle aggregator
Update on current commitments
– Par Paul Antenen, writer
Monday, June 21, 2021 – Dominique Brustlein-Bobst is a woman engaged by passion, a convinced and recognized philanthropist. Faced with the endless list of its commitments, one can – or one wishes – to ask the question of “why”. Why this commitment? Why this fervor? In other words: what is her underlying motivation?
Ask her about the reason for her engagement, she will answer you very humbly that it is both intrinsic values and human beings who represent them in various projects that push her to act. Go deeper into the subject, she will tell you that she feels driven by a desire, a need to help her neighbour. Discuss it over a coffee, you will realize that her commitment transcends the barriers of the tangible: “We are all at the service of something”, she will tell you. Finally, you will understand that Dominique Brustlein-Bobst is herself the common denominator of all these projects. She is an “aggregator of particles”, to use her words, doing everything possible to bring together the beautiful and the noble of the different causes that she defends in favour of the common good. This is the essence of her commitment, this is what “aggregator of particles” means: to ensure that those who must meet, do meet.
She speaks of the “synergy” of the projects for which she works, we understand symbiosis in a world she calls “ours”.
“My greatest joy is being a link in the chain. This may have been the source of impetus for projects to which I sometimes no longer belong. I have no other agenda than being a source of connection. To have made a small difference on this Earth. “
If we have answered the question of “why”, it remains for us to find out “how”. How is this commitment, this raison d’être manifested today?
Update on recent commitments
Spirit Of Humanity Forum - a global network for the transmission and dissemination of human values
The Spirit Of Humanity Forum is a circle of discussion and sharing, a powerful movement intended to offer a network to the leaders of this world. What is unique, if not revolutionary, about this project is the concept around which it revolves: to center – or refocus – a reflection around human values. In the words of Dominique Brustlein-Bobst: “The purpose of this forum is to allow managers to reflect on the fundamentals of their own existence as human beings, in order to bring them into line with their professional commitments. The Spirit Of Humanity Forum, federated around mindfulness, is a movement in which spiritual questions, in the broad sense of the term, are addressed to work in favour of the Greater Good.”.
Why this project?
“The Spirit Of Humanity Forum is a powerful awareness-raising movement whose mission is to prioritize BEING over DOING. A link between the spiritual and the concrete. The Spirit Of Humanity Forum is, when it comes to spirituality and mindful engagement, what the World Economic Forum is to economics.
This forum was created for the leaders, but today, and I salute it in particular, there is a will to make it benefit to as many people as possible. In this sense, and as a founding member belonging to the strategic circle of the Swiss Forum, my goal is also to involve youth and Millennials. My years of experience have opened my eyes to the importance of mentoring. I am sincerely convinced of the need for the handover. “
Swiss Who's Who - a collection of Swiss talent, creativity and excellence
What is the Swiss Who’s Who, or more accurately, who are the Swiss Who’s Who? The Swiss Who’s Who is a biographical dictionary highlighting the beautiful personalities who, through their careers and their commitments, make Switzerland what it is. As Dominique Brustlein-Bobst says: “A mosaic made up of creativity, talents, qualities … this famous Swiss know-how, this label of excellence, this globally recognized Made in Switzerland! “.
Why this project?
“Present for several years in the pages of Swiss Who’s Who and now involved in the selection committee, my role is to find good profiles, those whose” freshness “would enrich the pages. As part of this project, I have the chance to be alongside my friend Olivier Mancossola who, after having bought the edition 4 years ago, has made it a collection highlighting the paths, all fields combined, of people with remarkable lifetimes.
As part of my commitment, I work for the integration of women and Millenials – undeniably called to be one of its cornerstones – deserving to appear in the pages of Swiss Who’s Who and the organization of a mentoring among members to pass the torch from one generation to the next. Our goal is to organize two events to reward exemplary careers and achievements that deserve to be recognized: a Swiss Who’s Who Women’s Award and a Swiss Who’s Who Millennial’s Award. “
School 42 - much more than a school: a training concept based on solidarity and equal opportunities
Based on two observations: the exponential increase in digital technology in our societies and the cruel lack of developers and IT specialists, the first École 42 opened its doors in Paris in 2013. Considering only its educational aspect, École 42 offers digital coding and computer training. However, the concept goes far beyond simple education: the school is free and only has the selection criteria for the skills and willingness of the applicants. “School 42 is above all a human project”, Dominique Brustlein-Bobst tells us.
Why this project?
“School 42 is an ambitious project insofar as it aims to integrate as many women as men, respecting gender diversity and respecting individual sensitivities.
Why free? This is quite simply to allow any candidate, without economic distinctions, to benefit from this education. I also see an opportunity for the integration of refugees and people in precarious situations.
You should know that today, any more or less sophisticated task of our daily life – starting with lighting an oven – would be impossible without the prior work of a developer. The coder is the shaping of the world of tomorrow; It would therefore be essential to also offer ethical training emphasizing human values. “
Tiffany Circle - a network of women working to set up humanitarian projects
The Tiffany Circle, acting on behalf of the Red Cross, is a network of women who have come together over the years to support humanitarian aid projects nationally and internationally. I have the joy of being one of the founding members of the Tiffany Circle Switzerland (TCS) which has just been created. As part of its international engagement, the TCS has made it its mission to provide aid and support to the Syrian populations who are victims of the atrocities of war. At the same time, on a Swiss scale, their project is to develop a legal service allowing migrants to find relatives from whom they would have been separated during their migration.
Why this project?
“Already present in many countries around the world, the Tiffany Circle is mobilizing to support emergency humanitarian aid and reconstruction projects in countries affected by, in particular, the scourges of war and natural disasters.
We have decided to work for Syria. I really care about getting involved in such a project: a country where the scars of war are still so fresh. A country where there is so much to rebuild. Buying farm animals, relaunching family farms, building chicken coops will allow these communities to become self-reliant again, this is what the Swiss Tiffany Circle’s commitment will allow.
For the Swiss part, our objective is to allow migrants, people who have been separated during their migration, to find their family members. “