Member of Boards of Directors – Institutional Communications Consultant

Nice flight to the new year!

Dear Sir or Madam,

Friends of yesterday, today and tomorrow,

In this time of the Forward, towards you fly all my wishes on the eve of the Holidays that are coming, at the dawn of a new Year that I wish you enamelled with the small and big joys that make Life beautiful!

A bouquet of THANKS to you, so many, who follow me and encourage me through the news I share with you!


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A luminous encounter at the end of this year was that of Youssou N’Dour, world famous Senegalese singer, committed man, Goodwill Ambassador for the UN, FAO and UNICEF, who offered a unique concert to the IRP Foundation for paraplegia research during the Evening of Hope on November 20th at the Swiss Tech Convention Center!

“The opposite of poverty is not wealth,

The opposite of poverty is sharing.”

Abbé Pierre

For you, all my wishes of Serenity, so that these 365 days to live in 2019 allow you to realize your aspirations and dreams!

May each day bring you the Joy of Sharing!

Dominique Brustlein-Bobst

My website and my LinkedIn page list my “official” commitments and many of my projects to date.

The “Red Thread” of the encounters that have woven my life, the Foundations Page sheds light on the path I have traced over the last 20 years.

As for the Projects Page, it will help you discover some of the major issues of solidarity in French-speaking Switzerland … and beyond!

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